The Leader of the Underpants Crew

The one and only!

Ms. Beast

Aliases: One-tit wonder, Goblin, Rat-QueenRace: Xaela Au’ra
Age: 33
Namedate: 6th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (Apr 6th)
Languages: Common
Occupation: Leader of the Underpants Gang
Family: Biological (Unknown), Considers her gang, Cookie, and Sacha familyRough Voice Claim: Rico Nasty (singer)
Theme Song: Paper Planes & BDE

Build: Athletic
Height: Markedly smaller than the average Female Au'ra
Weight: Average for her size/build
Noticeable features: Dark/green scales with an oil-slick sheen. Missing her left breast. Stubby tail. Pure black sclera. Gold-capped canine teeth. constantly smoking cherry-flavored cigarillos. Carries a very large for her size axe and swings it around with ease.Personality: Sailor-mouth. blunt. boisterous. 'controlled chaos'. Can be underhanded if she doesn't think of you as 'close'

Beast doesn't know her origins and doesn't seem to care at all. All she remembers is ending up in Ul’dah with Sacha somehow when she was young and a slightly older Highlander taking the two of them in. The three of them have been almost inseparable since. Despite traveling across the world, she always comes back to check up on “Cookie” from time to time.Beast got her name from Botulf ("Cookie")’s mother who referred to the wild-child as such. Needless to say, the constant disobedience and explosive, take-no-prisoners attitude of the small Au’ra meant she was a terrible brothel-maid. She did, however, make a great bouncer and coliseum contender. When Botulf inherited the brothel, he had both her and Sacha retire (though it would be later dismantled completely later on.) Not that it particularly mattered as even early on, Beast would come and go as she pleased to go off and adventure/pillage/cause a general ruckus.Despite her boisterous, seemingly violent and chaotic behavior, she is actually very clever, observant, and calculating. She's had a rough life and she didn't get this far by luck.


Looks: Despite her rather rugged attitude, it looks like she takes great care in her appearance or curates it to the way she wants; Gaudy gold-capped teeth and all.Chain smoker: There's usually smoke billowing out of her like an asthmatic dragonet. Fellow smoker? Cigarillo enthusiast? She'll probably chat you up if you both happen to be out for a smoke break. If she likes you enough and you're short a smoke, she might be inclined to offer one.Battle scars and stories: Ms. Beast loves adventuring and just as much as adventuring, loves telling picking fights and stories about her exploits. Go on, ask her about a scar or two! She knows you want to ask about the most obvious one. She’s even more than willing to tell you about how she got good ol’ Charles, her trusty Behemoth companion-- which happens to be a related story.

Bully: If she senses you're the brawling type and she's in the mood, she might provoke you into a fight with her. She may be considerate enough to just ask, but most of the time she'll pick on you to rile you up. Will you let it get to you?(Below are some of the more specific/hidden hooks)
Coliseum Circuit: Gladiators may recognize this small pile of destruction. While she's not as active as she used to be, she does compete from time to time.
Stank: Those who are sensitive to the void/demons, will notices she 'reeks' of it. She wont care much for you pointing it out, however.

OOC: Please note there are certain aspects of Ms. Beast's character I do have to psych myself or get into the mindset for and some elements I wont do in public venues such as the full extent of her 'colorful' vocabulary or some of her more chaotic/violent aspects of her personality without discussion first.


Hi! I'm SerbeeBeast!I've been RPing off and on for a long time and have done a few different formats. That being said, I'm heckin' rusty sometimes! I will try to match content/style of posts and don't mind if we're not writing novels to each other lol.Tells ahead of time are preferred only because I'm a doofus and sometimes don't realize people are trying to roleplay with me.I typically wont ERP with someone I don't know well.